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Seniors Earn a Perfect Score

Seniors Earn a Perfect Score

Join PVSchools in congratulating Emily Chang (Horizon), Tanmay Dewangan (Paradise Valley), Samantha Osborne (Pinnacle), and Jaron Isfan (Shadow Mountain) for earning a perfect score on the ACT college entrance exam. College admissions committees use this test to help gauge a student's readiness for college-level material, and it plays a significant role in universities accepting admissions applications.

Earning a perfect score on the ACT is a monumental feat, as there is little margin for error! A perfect score is 36, and students who earn a perfect score must demonstrate content mastery, diverse skills, time management, and precision.

Another shout-out to Jaron, who took six Advanced Placement (AP) tests and scored a five on each, the highest possible score! Success across multiple AP exams often requires tailored study techniques for different subjects. Students need to be adaptable, able to switch between different modes of thinking and learn strategies for the various exams.

Congratulations to all of the students on a job well done!

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