PBIS Awards
PVSchools wants to celebrate and congratulate the following schools for their hard work, dedication, and commitment to fidelity when implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) throughout their campuses.
Level 1- Installing Award:
- Larkspur Elementary
- Sweetwater Community School
Level 2- Fidelity:
- Copper Canyon Elementary
- Eagle Ridge Elementary
- James P. Lee (Early Childhood)
- Liberty Elementary
Level 3 - Tier 1 & 2 Fidelity:
- Fireside Elementary
Level 4- Tier 1, 2, 3 & Fidelity:
- Desert Shadows Elementary
For over a decade, PBISaz has recognized schools throughout the Valley for working diligently to support and respond to students’ social, emotional, and behavioral needs. PBIS provides evidence-based practices and guiding principles on how to maintain safe, inclusive, supportive, and fair learning environments for students and staff.
Here in Paradise, it's no different! Our PBIS schools strive to create incredible opportunities where every student can feel safe and respected on their journey of excellence.
Congratulations to the PBIS teams, staff, students, and schools for your outstanding efforts in implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. The dedication of everyone involved is to be commended.
To enroll your child in one of our amazing high-performing PBIS schools, visit our enrollment page.