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3…2…1… Liftoff!

3…2…1… Liftoff!

Seventh-graders from Desert Shadows Middle School came together last week for a school-wide rocket launch.

As part of the 7th-grade physics unit, students researched, developed, tested, and refined their rockets to prepare them for the May 3 launch day. While some students worked in teams, and others completed their projects independently, all groups had a target launch distance of approximately 394 ft.

The students spent several weeks developing and building these rockets and preparing them for the big day. The physics unit and rocket building allowed students to get real-world experiences while demonstrating their creative and critical thinking skills. This unit taught them about finite calculations, and collecting, evaluating, and synthesizing data. After many weeks of hard work, this unit culminated in a very successful endeavor. 

PVSchools was proud to take part in this one-of-a-kind event.

Keep up the great work, Sidewinders!

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