K-12 Supplemental Resource Committee 2024 - 25
The Supplemental Resource Review Committee is presenting a list of K-12 supplemental resources to be approved for use in Paradise Valley schools. This process has been created to fulfill the requirements of ARS 15-721 and ARS 15-722. In addition, we want to create standardized guidance for K–12 classrooms.
PV teachers use supplemental materials in their lessons for various reasons, including catering to diverse learning styles, enhancing engagement, providing real-world connections, addressing varied skill levels, ensuring cultural relevance, offering current information, integrating technology, and promoting enrichment. These materials help create a more dynamic and inclusive learning environment, accommodating the individual needs and preferences of students. By incorporating a variety of resources, such as multimedia, hands-on activities, and digital tools, teachers can make lessons more interesting, relevant, and accessible. The use of supplemental materials also allows for differentiation within the classroom, supporting struggling learners while challenging those who excel, and fostering a more comprehensive and effective educational experience. The use of supplemental materials is a site-based decision; however, schools are limited to the approved list.
60 Day Community Review
The 60-day review period for K-12 Supplemental Resources is December 18, 2024 to April 3, 2025. Resources will be available on December 18, 2024.
Select the document below to access each supplemental resource directly. No accounts are needed, unless you choose to explore further. For hard copies, vendor links are provided for more information.
link to supplemental resources
Select the link below to provide feedback.
Commitee Documents