ESSER Federal Grants Committee
In response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the United States Department of Education released three grants for which local education agencies (LEAs) could apply through the Arizona Department of Education (ADE).
These grants, known as ESSER I, ESSER II, and ESSER III, were authorized by the:
- Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act),
- Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA), and the
- American Rescue Plan (ARP).
Committee Members
Name | Group Representing |
Kathleen Alexander | PVP |
Shawn Bell | PVEA |
Lori Berman | UPC |
Jon Bowen | SEL Specialist |
Deanna Cabrera | ESSER Technician & Committee Recorder |
Angelina Clipper | PVEA |
Michelle Courtright | PVSEA |
Ryan DeAustin | TOA |
Samantha Doyle | IT Assistant Director |
Matthew Droge | Marketing Director |
Shelly Edgar | K-6 ELA Specialist |
Paul Ferrero | PVP |
Holly Gorman | PVEA |
Tammy Hall | McKinney Vento/COA |
Victoria Jones | PVSEA |
Jean Koeppen | Assessment Director |
Steve Lee | PVP |
Missy Martin | PVP |
Kaylen Miller | K-6 Math Specialist |
Karen Moe | PVEA |
Melissa Molzhon | PVP |
Rachel Muth | PVEA |
Kari Neegele | PVEA |
Michelle Pavlik | ESSER Grant Coordinator |
Sarah Platten | PVEA |
Kelly Romm | PVEA |
Susie Seep | PVEA President |
Aubrey Singer | PVEA |
Amber Strang | 7-12 Math Specialist |
Rita Tantillo | English Learners |
Linda Taylor | Special Education |
Georgine Vega | Finance |
Shawn Webster | PVSEA |
Linda Williamson | PVEA |
Jennifer Young | 7-12 ELA Specialist |
Supporting Student Success
This funding supports the K-12 schools response to COVID-19; addresses local relief, prevention, preparation, and recovery efforts relative to responding to COVID-19; provides resources to address the needs of individual schools; maintains the operation and continuity of services; and more.
In March 2020, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) was signed into law. The CARES Act dedicated $13.2 billion for K-12 schools through ESSER I. The intent and purpose of ESSER I funding are to provide emergency relief funds to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus. ESSER I funds can be used to cover expenses incurred from March 13, 2020, through September 30, 2022.
The Paradise Valley Unified School District applied to receive its ESSER I allocation in June 2020. PVSchools received $4,513,659.06. This funding was used to purchase sanitizing supplies for all sites and to increase funding for the PVOnline model to support students moving to an online model for learning. These efforts were made to provide continuity of academic services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In December 2020, the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA) was signed into law. CRRSA dedicated an additional $54.3 billion to the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund. This grant is known as ESSER II. The Arizona Department of Education released the grant application in April 2021, and PVSchools ESSER II allocation was $18,581,882,84. ESSER II funds are being used to cover expenses incurred from March 13, 2020, through September 30, 2023.
PVSchools has been using ESSER II funds to offer free extended learning opportunities during the school year as well as providing free summer school. ESSER funding also paid for Hotspots in an effort to give all students the same opportunity during remote learning. All PV schools were fitted with outside handwashing stations and water bottle filling stations. Additional custodial workers were hired to work throughout the day sanitizing surface areas such as door handles, classrooms, bathrooms, and common areas.
Location | Expenditure Description | Cost Estimate |
Assessment | AZM2 AP Test Proctors (Pinnacle HS, Paradise Valley HS, Horizon HS, Shadow Mountain HS) | $7,411.25 |
Assessment | SchoolCity cost for writing 6th-12th grade common final exams for SS and Science | $85,000.00 |
Business Operations | Indirect Costs at 8.18% = 1,405,063.79 | $1,405,063.79 |
Business Operations | Enrollment Stabilization Continued predicted enrollment loss for 2021-2022 (enrollment stabilization is spent) |
$1,536,275.20 |
Community Education | Instructional Material Costs for Community Education Classes | $14,445.96 |
Community Education | Custodial Costs for Community Education Classes | $257,555.76 |
Community Education | Transportation for Community Education Extended Learning Opportunities for High School Program | $9,984.50 |
Community Education | Free Community Education classes for all students; salaries and benefits for staff | $2,279,593.13 |
Curriculum | Math Manipulatives to support our Math Curriculum | $307,559.41 |
Curriculum | Position: Home Instruction Specialist .25 (SPED request, under PVOnline) | $22,861.00 |
Curriculum | Position: PVOnline Gifted Teacher .5 FTE | $68,236.00 |
Curriculum | PVHS Gifted Case Manager .33 FTE | $19,836.00 |
Curriculum | Network Security Instructor .67 Teacher - Career and Technical Education | $61,121.20 |
Curriculum | Software & App Design Instructor .33 Teacher - Career and Technical Education combined with Network Security | $34,036.56 |
Curriculum | Explorer MS - Keys to Literacy Training for English Language Acquisitions and SS teachers = $6,000 Substitute Teachers for 4 days x 11 teachers x $115 per day = $5,060 |
$12,122.60 |
Curriculum | Reading Specialist Training for Acadience - Aug. 4 - training fees only - teacher - professional growth | $3,500.00 |
Curriculum | Literacy Plan with Keys to Literacy Guidance - Writing District Literacy Plan | $14,400.00 |
Curriculum | Gizmos software for Science instrument for virtual labs | $73,587.80 |
Curriculum | Funding for K-3 Literacy - Really Great Reading | $116,207.55 |
ELA (English Language Acquisitions) | Keys to Adolescent Literacy Intervention for SEI training; ELD Coaching and Support; Virtual Planning and Consulting | $8,600.00 |
Facilities | Infrastructure cost related to COVID-19 (bottle filling stations, outside handwashing sinks) | $1,003,270.40 |
Facilities | Summer Custodial Services - Day Porters | $249,780.00 |
Food and Nutrition | Salaries and Benefits for Nutrition employees | $2,235,520.00 |
HR and Finance | $1,000 Return to Work Stipend (plus benefits) | $4,101,900.00 |
PVConnect | Set up of the PVConnect Model – the furniture and electronics | $326,893.63 |
PVOnline | Creation of PVConnect standalone model 30-40 teachers, clerical staff, coordinator, admin, EL Teachers After the 2021-2022 school year, if this model continues, we will need to adjust school staff to accommodate families who want a remote model. |
$2,542,155.10 |
PVOnline | Edgenuity subscription | $90,386.40 |
School Level | Remediation Plans - Spring 2021, Summer 2021 Transportation for Extended Learning Opportunities included in School Plans |
$1,500,000.00 |
School Level - Remediation Plans | Transportation for Extended Learning Opportunities | $64,400.00 |
School Level - Remediation Plans | Food Services for Extended Learning Opportunities | $129,179.60 |
School Levels | Supplies for Summer School | $1,000.00 |
Total | Total expenditures | $18,581,882.84 |
The American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) signed into law on March 11, 2021 provided nearly $122 billion for the Elementary and Secondary School Education Relief (ESSER) Fund. This grant is known as ESSER III. ARP ESSER funds are provided to State educational agencies in the same proportion as each State received under Title Ia of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) in fiscal year (FY) 2020. The intent and purpose of ESSER III funding are to help safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools and address the impact of the coronavirus on students.
PVSchools will apply to receive its allocation of ESSER III funds before November 2021, based on feedback from stakeholder groups. PVSchools ESSER III allocation is $41,495,828.58. These funds will be used to address the impact COVID-19 has had, and continues to have, on our schools. Based on guidance from ADE, the PVSchools plan for ESSER III funds will focus on evidence-based practices to support student needs in the areas of academics and social-emotional wellness. Funds will be set aside to provide high-quality instruction, create more time for learning, and provide student enrichment experiences to support academic acceleration.
PVSchools will utilize ESSER III funds to address issues that have arisen due to the COVID-19 pandemic. PVSchools is required by statute to set aside 20 percent of its total ESSER III allocation to address learning loss. ESSER III funds can be used to cover expenses incurred from March 13, 2020, through September 30, 2024.