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SUN Kids Preschool

At PVSchools SUN Kids Preschool, we provide a safe, engaging, and stimulating environment for all preschoolers to grow and develop. Our highly qualified team of professionals works together to ensure a smooth transition to kindergarten, and we believe that collaboration is key to student success. We are committed to creating a positive and inclusive environment for all children and families.

The mission of the PVSchools SUN Kids Preschool program is to lead in the facilitation of all students to achieve their full potential in all aspects of their preschool experiences through developmentally appropriate practice, professional expertise, compassion and collaboration between preschool teams, parents and students.

Our preschool curriculum is designed to meet the developmental needs of all children. Learning through play is the primary means of skill development for three to five-year-old children. Our students spend their school day engaged in carefully designed activities to promote problem-solving, critical thinking skills, and positive interactions with peers. Our program focuses on child-directed rather than teacher-directed activities, realizing that children acquire skills when engaged. We are a Pyramid Model Program teaching young children strategies for positive interaction and conflict resolution. A strong foundation in social-emotional skills leads to successful learning in the classroom environment, making each moment a teachable moment.