English Language Development (ELD) Program - Title III
Upholding high academic expectations for all students through highly effective teaching and data analysis
Seek partnerships with families and provide access to resources
Ensuring that administrators, teachers, and staff comply with the state and district initiatives through collaboration and professional development.
Program Services
Participation in any of these programs is voluntary and requires parental signatures. All students who enter our schools with a Primary Home Language Other Than English as identified on the Home Language Survey during enrollment are screened with the Arizona English Language Learner Assessment (AZELLA). Students who are found to be limited in English Proficiency are offered English Language Development instruction. The Arizona State Board of Education is charged with developing and adopting research-based models of structured English Immersion (SEI) programs to be used in school districts and charter schools in Arizona. Arizona Revised Statute (A.R.S.) §15-756.01 requires that the models include a minimum of 120 minutes per day of English language development (ELD) for grades K-5 and a minimum of 100 minutes per day of ELD for grades 6-12.
Program Components:
English Language Development (ELD) Oral English and Conversation, Reading, Vocabulary, Writing & Grammar
Program teachers have either a BLE (bilingual), ESL (English as a Second Language), or SEI (Structured English Immersion) endorsement
Structured English Immersion (SEI) placement is a temporary transition period not normally intended to exceed one year
ELL students remain in the SEI program until they reach the English “proficient” level on the AZELLA per §ARS-15-756.B, 15-756.05.A.