Literature List
General Guidelines:
- The PVSchools Governing Board has final approval of all Literature List titles and grade levels.
- Teachers must choose novels from the approved Literature List for their grade level when they teach a novel to a whole class or require students to read a book.
- If a teacher gives students a list of novel choices, the choices must come from the Literature List. If any of the choice novels are sensitive, the teacher must follow the Guidelines for Sensitive Titles.
- The committee recommends no specific literature list for K-3, as students are learning to read versus reading to learn.
- Gifted and International Baccalaureate (IB) programs have their own course approved lists. They will refer to the Guidelines for Titles that are not on the Literature List outlined below.
- Titles that will be read throughout the year must be published on the teacher's course syllabus or newsletter at the beginning of the year and the teacher must obtain a parent or guardian signature on the syllabus. If a novel with sensitive content is listed on the syllabus, the teacher will follow the Guidelines for Sensitive Titles listed below.
Guidelines for Sensitive Titles:
- If a sensitive title is assigned to the whole class or appears on a list of titles in which students choose the book, the parent should be notified of the sensitive nature of the title and all of the subsequent guidelines should be followed.
- The title will be listed on the syllabus or newsletter at the beginning of the year.
- An alternate title will be listed for each sensitive title.
- The sensitive content letter will be completed and included with the syllabus.
- The student and/or parent will have the option to opt out of the sensitive title and the alternate title will be assigned in its place. There are specific guidelines in place if a student/parent chooses the alternate title.
- The teacher will obtain a parent/guardian signature on the novel list.
- The teacher will make the principal aware of the title that will be taught and discussed in class.
- The teacher will review the teacher resources for the novel being taught.
Guidelines for Titles That Are Not on the Literature List:
- Teachers may only supplement a title that is not on the District Literature List if the student has self-selected the title. Teachers must obtain parent permission for the student to read the self-selected book.
- AP or Pre-AP teachers may allow students to self-select a book from a list of titles that have been previously used on the AP exam, but the list can not be narrowed (with the exception of titles that have previously been taught or will be taught in the upcoming year). Teachers must obtain parent permission for the student to read the self-selected book.
- IB and Gifted teachers may supplement a title that is not on the district’s literature list if it is on their course approved list and they notify the principal and parents in writing.
Guidelines for Summer Projects:
- Any novels that will be assigned during the summer must be listed on the summer project assignment, and the teacher must obtain a parent/guardian signature.
- Summer projects can only include books with sensitive content if the teacher provides other choices that are not sensitive. The teacher must also provide information about the sensitive nature of the title.
- AP teachers may allow students to self-select a book that has been previously used on the AP exam. In this case, teachers may provide a list, but it can not be narrowed. Teachers must obtain parent permission for the student to read the self-selected book.
[last updated on 5-5-2022]